Friday, July 25, 2008

"the boys next door"

barak obama, nathan “SEVEN” scott, and I dwight “ALLEN” o’Neal all started off as “the boys next door,” however we are all now the men down the street. I feel very fortunate to be alive to see how things are changing rapidly in our world and I love that Obama is famous for “change!” We as people across the globe can take his lead and we too can change our individual lives for the better. JFK said it very well many years ago “Don’t ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” these words were instilled in me as a young man and now the message of change is being instilled in me as an adult. I am so blessed and fortunate to join in the race for change and excited about using my fame to get all of us on board to vote for whichever candidate that you may choose. I myself am saying “VOTE 08!” Join nathan “SEVEN” scott and dwight “ALLEN” o’Neal as we support our brother in one of the greatest presidential races in America’s History!

Post comments and please pass along information on other people who are making changes... Lets all be "FAMOUS LIKE OBAMA!"

Best Regards...

Dwight Allen O'Neal
"Animated Star"

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