Thursday, September 25, 2008

Famous Like Obama Highlights!!!

Greetings Fellow Americans!!! As we progress toward CHANGE and as HISTORY is being made we should stand up and empower one another to change for the better. We are a melting pot that pertain different personalites, gifts, and all have different backgrounds; however we can support AND empower our brothers and sisters. Barak Obama is not the only American that is working toward change so why not be "Famous Like Obama" too. Take a moment now to write a brief blurb about someone that you inspire to be like or who you think needs recognition and they don't get it... Here is the chance to highlight them... Lets come together and empower our brothers and sisters...

1. Write up a positive blurb about someone you admire or who you think deserves recognition.
2. Email your blurb to
3. Forward this email to all your friends/contacts to showcase who you selected to highlight...

PLEASE ONLY POSITIVE BLURBS... These blurbs are only to empower each other!!!

EXAMPLE: I am really excited to be highlighting my mother Christell O'Neal, she has been my support system as a small child and even more so now that I am an adult. Many times people overlook their parents as someone who has to take care of them or support them, however that is not the case. There are many parents that only mother or father a child and is not a support system, best friend, or non-judgemental toward their child. I am really happy that God gave me the parent that I have, because without my mother I would be a train wreck. She was a single mother who worked hard to make me the man that I am today... I have probably let her down in many things that I have done; however she has never judged me at all. Mom I love you and YOU ARE THE EMPOWERING INDIVIDULAL that makes me the man I am today! :-)

Together we can recognize the positive things that happen in our WORLD... Let's make a difference starting with you.... Sign the email, date it and pass it along :-)

Dwight Allen O'Neal 9-24-08

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