Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is giving up an option?

I have to say that September has been a very challenging month for me. To kick things off, my body was purging a kidney stone. Next, I came to a realization that I no longer wished to be mistreated by my peers when it came down to my time and contribution so I had to end business relationships and lastly, I had to let go of a romantic relationship. That's alot to take on in one month and even more to share ONLINE. But, I am a leader and I have nothing to hide. I think one of the things that black people pride themselves on is holding on to things. Keeping secrets if you will. I've heard people tell me that in their families, what happens in the home stays in the home. There is no need to tell your business to your neighbor. I totally disagree, it's unhealthy!

What I got from purging things from my life this month is that LIFE GOES ON. There are times when I just wanted to completely give up, throw in the towel if you will, but I can't give up. I have come a very long way in this world and there is a big fat world out there for me to explore. I came to the realization that I've been confining myself to one community and not allowing myself to open up and see what else is out there. Right now it's about exploration for me. I want to wrap my hands around new things and new challenges. One thing I will say about living in New York City is that it will turn you out if you are not careful.

So, if you are going through tough times in your life right now, allow them to be tough but be clear that YOU are in control and YOU can choose to change that situation or situations. Giving up is not an option.