Friday, August 29, 2008

Say a little Prayer

So I received this email from my sister and very good friend in Atlanta. Our country is really seeking a change and their are billions of people is support of this man... here is a prayer that I am passing along to you for Mr. Obama...

Pray for his success and SAFETY...............
Dear God, I pray for optimum health, wisdom, mental clarity and political prosperity for Barack Obama, and for his protection, as he seeks to become our President! Amen. All you are asked to do is keep this circulating. A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle. Please Keep This Message Going!

To see how our people are coming together united to support change in this country is such a beautiful thing, I am really excited about the outcome of our election in November.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I need Validation

Why do we worry about what people say or think about us? In life many people claim to say that they don’t care what others say about them as a person, however in life it seems that we always need a form of validation. Validation wants approval from others; the thing that wants this validation is your ego. The ego needs attention, and has the potential of feeling let down when it gets negative attention. Many times others judge you to make their ego feel superior; in life everyone at some point in time has made someone else feel less than the other. It would be so much better if we validated ourselves and that was enough to energize our spirits to do more. Another thing that would be helpful if we did encourage one another to do greater things, by doing that we will have the opportunity to inspire each other to make change in our individual lives.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

When friends fail you...

We are about to experience a full moon for the month of August. Strangely enough I will be flying from Japan to return to New York so I will be closer to the moon than many of you reading this post. The full moon represents change and new growth and as uncomfortable as change may be for some, I embrace it.

I am currently transitioning to become a better person, a more mature person and while I am excited, I am also scared. I have noticed that a few of my relationships are shifting. Some of the shifts are positive while others are just shifting to a place where I'm not so certain that the friendships will continue to grow.

What I hate most is when people pull away from me for reasons that they choose not to explain, they just pull away. I aim to keep my relationships positive and communicate as much as I can, however, it isn't necessarily reciprocated and that's frustrating. I guess I don't understand how people who once upon a time were great friends could become distant acquaintances. So... What do you do when friends fail you?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yes We Can

I love this message of Empowerment that is being shared with our world... We can do whatever we want... Stand up with these other people who are Famous Like Obama!!! Stand up and Say "Yes We Can!"

Life Lesson

If only good things happen we would never learn anything... I always tell people I enjoy learning... so why not learn from all of life's lessons. It seems that sometimes negative things come along and we tend to lose our focus. Don't allow this things to tear you apart... You can get an inspiration from all of life's experiences, just add each experience to your library of experiences.

My mother told me very recently that many times things happen to us to discourage us as people, because our blessing is right around the corner and the devil is always trying to steal our joy.

PS: I did go to that event I was telling you about and it was a blast :-)

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I have to admit that over the years, I have learned how to become better disciplined and focus, but I have to admit, it's NOT an easy task.

Working on one's self doesn't have to be difficult, I think we make it difficult because life tells us that we should just do as we are told. One of my quests as of late is to transform myself into a NEW person. Not that there is anything wrong with the OLD person, but I yearn for MORE, I year to be a better person. I want to expand my vocabulary. I want to meet new people. I want to travel to new places and see how people in other parts of the world live.

In recent conversations, I've told people that I am pretty bored with American culture. I've been fortunate enough to travel to countries like Brazil (twice), South Africa (twice, and lived there for a total of 4 months with plans to return later this year), Puerto Rico and my favorite new destination Japan! I have wanted to experience Japan for going on 2 years now and I am finally here! The country is amazing. The city is thriving and so clean. One thing that I like most about being here is that nobody bothers me. There is close to zero crime here, the customer service is impeccable. Their train system is like no other that I have ever ridden on and for the most part, the people are nice.

One thing I have to say about the Japanese is that they are pretty disciplined. From the way they keep their environment clean to the way they organize themselves day to day. I am trying my best to adopt a few ways while I am here. Unfortunately, there is a bit of a language barrier because I don't speak any Japanese. Thankfully, they speak English. Well some of them.

In closing, I ask the question: How disciplined are you?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

To go or not to go

Do I want to go??? I really don't know. So being very known in New York City comes with a big price tag and one is making engagements. Now many times you have to do some things in the business that you don't really want to... Now for those of you that are reading this and don't know me, you are thinking... UMM who are you??? UMM what do you do??? Well I think the question should be, what don't I do... LOL... Here a few things I do, stay tuned I add things to the list like everyday.

Business Manager for a Cosmetic Company
Former Model
CEO of Production Company
TV Host
Music Artist (LOL)
Make-up Artist
Party Host
Motivational Speaker

Finding time to blog is insane.... Obama! HOW AND THE HECK DO YOU DO IT!?

Well tonight is the event of the weekend... and everyone who is anyone in NYC will probably be there, but my feet hurt and its raining... What should I do???

A. Go to the event and put on a cute smile!
B. Go to the event Network and Go Home!
C. A and B
D. Keep your but in bed on the Internet Googling Beyonce'

Umm I think I just answered my own question... LOL

Bite that Tongue

So one thing I have learned in life is... " You have to be a likable person to get ahead!" Now this may seem like common sense to many, however many don't seem to understand this in life. Now let's assume that you are the likable person, how do you actually deal with the person that you don't really care for? Well I have learned that you just have to, this is a very sad truth but in order to be a leader, you have to deal with everyone. I am learning this life lesson everyday and I deal with tons of people on a daily basis. It is a wonderful thing to have fame and being recognized, but the only way to have a loyal and true following is to become likable. When you are in the spotlight, people are going to say all types of things that may honestly hurt, but you have to bite your tongue and learn that they are only throwing words. In an argument who is right in the eyes of those having the disagreement? The two arguing, therefore neither is willing to listen to other person and settle, you just keep going at it waisting a ton of energy. Be a leader!!! And please pray that I learn to bite my tongue more often, because I wanna be Famous Like Obama!!!