Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bite that Tongue

So one thing I have learned in life is... " You have to be a likable person to get ahead!" Now this may seem like common sense to many, however many don't seem to understand this in life. Now let's assume that you are the likable person, how do you actually deal with the person that you don't really care for? Well I have learned that you just have to, this is a very sad truth but in order to be a leader, you have to deal with everyone. I am learning this life lesson everyday and I deal with tons of people on a daily basis. It is a wonderful thing to have fame and being recognized, but the only way to have a loyal and true following is to become likable. When you are in the spotlight, people are going to say all types of things that may honestly hurt, but you have to bite your tongue and learn that they are only throwing words. In an argument who is right in the eyes of those having the disagreement? The two arguing, therefore neither is willing to listen to other person and settle, you just keep going at it waisting a ton of energy. Be a leader!!! And please pray that I learn to bite my tongue more often, because I wanna be Famous Like Obama!!!

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